wFrom:  Ken Kalish 
wtSent:  August 5, 2013
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
You're into self-flagellation?  I wish I had known earlier.  There was a woman we called "Tiger Lady" in Cholon.
wFrom:  Joe Ciokon 
wtSent:  August 4, 2013
​Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
“The One-Minute Manager”.  Yeah, I took that course, too, and Steven Covey’s programs, and all those time management seminars the Navy threw at us on flag staffs.  Then, my boss and I shoved all that crap in our bottom drawers and our desks went back to looking like a city editor’s at deadline.
wFrom:  Joe Ciokon 
wtSent:  August 4, 2013 
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
My MIDWAY Inbox has 11,338, 9,832 from AFVN, some as old as John Lehman's "Front row seat at Cape Canaveral" back in January 24, 2011.  Only 215 left in my AFVN archive folder.  Now, to go home and check the inbox there.  Should be smaller because I delete the old ones every three months.

wFrom:  John Thomas
wtSent:  August 4, 2013 
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail I'm kind of like Jim, I organize things.  I learned a long time ago, read it once then disposition it.  Folders and trash are my friends.  If the folders get to big then they taken off-line.  I really like the large flash drives.  You can save a bunch in a small footprint, and duplicates are easy so storing copies in two locations is a snap.

AFVN Group Conversations

wFrom:  John Thomas 
wtSent:  August 5, 2013
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
You know different things work for different folks.  I have used my approach for thirty plus years of Military and Commercial Semiconductor work from Design to Marketing, and it has worked for me.  Worked with one fellow that used the 'vertical filing' approach, it worked for him.
​ John
wFrom:  Ken Kalish 
wtSent:  August 3, 2013
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
Once in a while I prod myself into going through my mail boxes to get rid of stuff I no longer want.  I was about to begin that process just now and realized that I have 4,142 messages in my inbox where I receive messages from everyone else, and 6,786 in my AFVN inbox.  I guess that tells us something about with whom I prefer to spend my time.
wFrom:  Bob Nelson 
wtSent:  August 4, 2013
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
Yeah, but then you're organized.

Cleaning Up E-mail
August 2013
How full is your in-box?

wFrom:  Joe Ciokon 
wtSent:  August 4, 2013
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
​ Just teasing.  It has worked for us, too.  My bosses changed every two years.  Mostly, we never got past the B list before we started all over again.  New admiral, new PAO, new priorities.  At least my bosses were able to keep their desks clean.  But, on MIDWAY I’m back to my old habits.  The difference is I’m only on board one day a week.  At home, I give them about two hours on the computer in the mornings.  Otherwise, I go when asked for special events and/or meetings.  Their Sales/Marketing staff has grown enough to handle the pr/media/VIP requirements I used to cover.  One lady even handles all military requests.  I introduced her to the local PAO and protocol contacts three years ago and let them go.  After fourteen years, the museum is on freewheeling.  Loving it.  Enjoying more quality time with family.  The kids want to know more about my and our family histories.  I’m being bombarded with questions.  I hope I have enough time left to put it all on paper.  We owe it to them to leave a journal.  Dang it, we wrote for everyone else.  We know how to do this.  Self flagellation over.
Joe C
wFrom:  Joe Ciokon
wtSent:  August 4, 2013 
Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
Aw, c'mon!!!

wFrom:  Jim White
wtSent:  August 3, 2013 
​Subject:  Cleaning Up E-mail
​You guys (pikers?) need an Admin Clerk. I have about 80 messages in my "general" inbox and perhaps 140 in my AFVN inbox and consider both of them WAY OVERLOADED.  I try to keep my inboxes at 50 or below.  But, on the other hand, I have a lot more messages in folders and sub-folders.  In the AFVN folder, only, I have over 20 sub-folders for messages on topics which I hope to eventually put on the Web page and another 80+ sub-folders, by name, of various people with AFVN whom I have corresponded with.  Some sub-folders have only 2 or 3 messages, others have 150 or more.
I think that perhaps the oldest messages (in other folders) date back to January 2008.  The older-than-that ones are on DVDs.  Since everything is broken into folders and sub-folders, I can't come up with a total number of messages.  However, my e-mail (I use Thunderbird) message folder on the hard disk totals 3.72 GB.  Thank goodness for 1-Terabyte hard disks (and some hard-earned "how-to-organize" skills).
PS:  I am NOT volunteering!!!!